The Farming Simulator saga continues to diversify and enrich itself with new crops, and for the 2025 edition, spinach enters the scene. A leafy, nutrient-packed vegetable often associated with culinary mythology and famous for allegedly giving Popeye his legendary strength, spinach is preparing to take pride of place in your virtual fields. Let's see everything there is to know about this new culture, and why it deserves your attention in Farming Simulator 25.
Spinach season
Spinach is mainly grown in spring and summer. From March or April, it will be time to take out your seeder and place around 10 liters of seed per hectare, in anticipation of a harvest of up to around 23 liters per hectare. With an average selling price of $100 per 660 liters, being ready to harvest in June is essential. Please note, however, that a specific harvester is required for this task: the OXBO MKB-1TR.
Harvest twice per season
One of the most interesting features of growing spinach in Farming Simulator 25 is the possibility of harvesting twice in a single season. By sowing in March, you can harvest a first time in June, then let the plant grow back for a second harvest before the end of summer. Of course, don't forget to apply your usual yield improvements, as you would for other crops.
Specific growth stages
If you follow all the steps correctly and on time, you will see slightly different growth stages during the second cycle. As is often the case with crops such as spinach, the first growth phase after a first harvest appears a little bushier. This visual feature helps you more easily follow the progress of your spinach fields.
First harvest
Second harvest
With this new culture, Farming Simulator 25 is sure to offer an even richer and more varied gaming experience.