Update of the factsheets for Friday, November 1st
Why change the formula? True to its communication strategy, Giants Software continues to use its famous "Factsheets" to keep players excited as the release of Farming Simulator 25. Planned for the 12th November, this new opus promises to be the richest of the series, with an impressive catalog of more than 400 machines from the launch.
An unmissable weekly meeting
From now until the game's release, Giants Software will publish news every Friday Fact sheets. By Farming Simulator 25, Giants Software has gone the extra mile to offer players an even more immersive experience. The Factsheets will gradually reveal the details of the new tractors, harvesters, trailers, and others agricultural tools. Each sheet will be a mine of information for enthusiasts of Concession Farming Simulator, allowing you to deepen your knowledge of the equipment that will be at your disposal in the game.
Regular update of this article
This article will be updated every friday to include news Fact sheets as soon as they are released. So stay tuned so you don't miss any crucial information. Whether you're a regular or a new player, here you'll find all the data you need to prepare for the most comprehensive farming adventure to date.
An already cult episode
With such a diversity of agricultural equipment, Farming Simulator 25 promises to be the most complete episode of the saga, not counting the mods which are sure to arrive after the game's release. Whether you're a fan of scrap or a professional looking for realism, Farming Simulator 25 has something to satisfy all player profiles.
What is a Factsheet?
For those who don't know yet, a Factsheet is a detailed datasheet that presents a machine, tool, or farming vehicle that you will be able to use in the game. These datasheets include valuable information such as the make, model, power, specific features, and much more. It is an early preview of the content, allowing players to familiarize themselves with the equipment they will find in the game.