
Just Die Already, the "Old Man's Sandbox", promises long evenings in multi

Next game from Goat Simulator designer Armin Ibrisagic is the perfect playground “For retirees and old people who are not afraid of breaking a leg. "

Curve Digital and DoubleMoose announce that Just Die Already will arrive on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch as well as PC on Steam and the Epic Games Store. The game puts you in the shoes of old men, "Those greedy people whose pension payments absorb all our taxes" according to the developers. Anyway, here the world hates you, the world wants you dead, in this title which takes place in the near future at a time when population growth has fallen to zero, probably because wearing a mask at all times hinders somewhat any romantic encounter. As a result, no one is born, no one contributes to the retirement pot, and no one covers your living expenses.

To make matters worse, you've just been evicted from your nursing home, and your only option now is to take on dangerous challenges to qualify for free care. A most serious scenario! Players can play alone or participate in an online multi up to four players.

And the least we can say is that the multi mode seems crazy. The video presented above shows crazy gameplay, not serious at all, packed with fun, on a visibly refined game. The release date has not yet been announced, but it's only a matter of weeks… We'll talk about it again…