The first DLC for Lawn Mowing Simulator has just been released. Ancient Britain invites you to discover typically British ruins while peacefully mowing the lawns of these sites. This extension is sold for € 8,99 on Steam.
An update has been deployed for the occasion. In addition to some minor corrections to the environments and tools, it adds, and this free of charge, the possibility of using edgers, a new essential tool for those who want to work cleanly without damaging flower beds.
4 new locations for the Ancient Britain DLC
The Royal Stones: You'll find a pretty fanciful location here, with two stone circles - their historical significance continues to be debated, but one thing is for sure, the grass is to be cut! Using the tools at your disposal and the new edgers, it's up to you to properly cut out these ancient ruins and restore character to this historic site.
Druid's Tor: Hidden in a quiet valley are these ancient megaliths, forgotten by the modern world. A restful place full of history.
Ancient Aurochs: On the edge of one of Britain's oldest inns, this charming setting seems like the perfect place to spend the day… mowing.
Aurochs Hill: A fascinating site that houses a field cut from the Bronze Age. Located on a steep slope with an intricate cut pattern around this boundary, this can be your most difficult task yet. "Make sure to take it slow because any damage done to this historic site will be punishable by a heavy fine", developers assure us.