Ultimate Games SA has unveiled the trailer and the first details about Pope Simulator, a game that will allow players to step into the shoes of a pope ...
The development of this new "simulator" is currently only at a very early stage. Pope Simulator will allow players to run the world's largest religious institution - the Catholic Church. Ultimate Games SA wants to see a realistic game with a focus on politics and strategy.
“Work on the game is at a very preliminary stage, and the first trailer was released for illustration purposes. However, Pope Simulator is certainly a unique project with a serious approach to papal activity in a virtual world ”, says Mateusz Zawadzki, CEO of Ultimate Games SA“ The Pope has no military or economic power, but he has other means of influencing the world, which was evident in the 80s, for example, when the communist system in Poland collapsed. Our idea
presupposes the possibility of using peaceful solutions to influence the fate of the world and interfere in international politics. All this, of course, in accordance with the vision adopted by the player ”
So far, Ultimate Games SA has not revealed a release date or platforms (other than the PC).