
The animals: In Noah's ark in the Seasons mod

Realismus Midding has worked on an overhaul of the breeding to make it more complete but also more complex. The age, weight and sex of each animal you own are simulated, and the original animal types have been replaced with actual breeds.

However, it was not possible to change the visual appearance of the animals, so they will remain the same regardless of their age, sex and weight. But the ingame visual model corresponds to the right race (black and white for Prim'Holsteins, etc.). Each race has its use. For cows, some are intended for meat production, while others are specific breeds for milk production. To have offspring, it is imperative to put a male. In the same way, to have milk, it is necessary to make a calf. Here is an overview of all the breeds and their characteristics, as well as a point on diet.


  • Limousine - The "carcass breed". The Limousine is an expensive animal but it grows very quickly. They sell for a good price for their meat.
  • Salers - The Salers is an inexpensive breed for novice farmers. They provide good meat and sell for a good price.
  • Holstein - The queen of milk production. This breed requires a lot of food and is expensive to buy, but it is the breed that produces the most milk.
  • Ayrshire - Low food consumption and low price per head, but milk production is low.
  • Brahman - A specific heat tolerant breed with marginal dietary requirements. They are known for their earning potential and good carcass yield. Heat tolerance is currently not modeled in Seasons.


Dorset - A large breed of sheep with moderately rapid growth, modest wool production and requiring an average amount of feed in adulthood. Is relatively prolific, in short a breed for beginners in sheep production.
Merino - A medium breed used for the production of wool. It grows slowly, is not very prolific, but does not require a lot of food as an adult.
Suffolk - A large breed of sheep that grows extremely fast, produces a modest amount of wool, requires a lot of food in adulthood, and is prolific.
Dorper - A medium-sized breed that grows quickly without producing wool. Very prolific and fast maturing. Requires little food in adulthood.


Yorkshire - This breed of pig is a very fast growing animal but requires high capital for the initial purchase.
Gloucestershire Old Spot - The Old Spot is a slower growing animal, but it is much cheaper to buy. Very robust and excellent for the novice farmer.
Spotted - Known for their carcass quality, Spotted grows relatively quickly and can be bought at a low price.
Berkshire - The Berkshire is a fast growing animal that requires modest capital to purchase. Is known for its tasty meat.


White Leghorn - It is the poultry of choice if eggs are at the top of your priorities. This breed requires less food than other breeds.
Cornish cross - This broiler is extremely fast growing and profitable, but requires a lot of feed.
rhode island network - The Rhode Island Red is a hybrid breed (eggs and meat). She requires an amount of feed between that of her layers and broilers.
Cock - This male is mainly used for breeding and will work to fertilize the eggs produced by your pullets and to produce chicks. Note: You don't need a rooster to produce eggs.

The new rules of the game

Productivity in the base game is again replaced with a health indicator. Health increases over time when all of the animals' needs are met. Note, however, that if they are not well nourished, the loss of health can occur more quickly than the increase.

With Seasons 19 mod, animal troughs only contain 48 hours (play time) of food, which means it's best to check your pets every day.

The food intake of each animal depends on its age and weight. Weight gain also depends on their age and weight, as well as diet. To maximize weight gain, the best food should be provided. The annual amount of feed required in each enclosure is indicated in the menu. This amount of feed takes into account the growth of the animals, but assumes that their health remains constant. With increasing health, growth will also increase. Keeping some food reserves can therefore be a good thing.

Cattle can produce manure or slurry, but not both. What they produce depends on the presence of straw. It fits better with the way real farms are run. Not using straw will cause a slight drop in productivity, but slurry is much easier to handle and is worth more to a farmer than manure.

Taking care of the health of animals has become of utmost importance. Keeping them overnight in a trailer will kill the animals (i.e. they will die at midnight) due to lack of food, water, and movement.

The hens lay eggs. To have chicks, take a rooster. The ideal is 1 rooster for 8 hens. The chances of reproduction decrease with fewer roosters. If the hen is incubating, no eggs are produced.

Raising animals for meat production is now possible. As animals gain weight and age, their growth rate decreases, while food consumption generally follows weight. The key to maximizing profits is finding the balance point between optimal weight and age of animals. The price per kg is higher in young animals and weight gain will slow down with age.

Horses, a case apart

Horses are treated differently in Seasons from other animals. The game attempts to imitate a farm that provides accommodation and basic care to a horse for its owner (full board).

A horse can be brought to the farm without exchange of money. It should be fed, cleaned and ridden every day. Depending on the number of treatments received, income is provided each day. Some breeds require more riding to earn the same amount as other breeds. Horses also provide more money when they are in good shape.


Farming Simulator 17's grazing mode has been integrated directly into Seasons 19. Animals in enclosures with grass will consume grass instead of feed in the trough. Please note that the grass in an enclosure can already be completely eaten. It depends on the size of the pen, the number of animals and the time of year.

Changes to Placeable Object Enclosures, which feature their own turf, allow automatic grass detection no matter what map you're playing on. The only requirement is that the enclosure has grass.

If you decide to provide other feed in the trough, the animals will stop grazing and instead eat the best feed. It doesn't matter for sheep, as hay and grass are also good for food. For cows, grazing increases production by 60%. It might be profitable to let dairy cows graze during the dry period (when they are not producing milk).

Water pump

Animals require a lot of attention. Animal water requirements have been updated to be more realistic. To make it easier for players in the drinkers, a new water pump can be placed near the animal pen: it will automatically maintain the water level in the drinkers at a minimum of 15%. The cost of water is subtracted from your account.


  1. And what's more, my Yorkshire piglets are now 100 kg, should I sell them or continue to fatten them? Knowing that for the moment I have a gain of 1.3%. Purchase price: €250 sale price: €325 And they are 0.4 years old
    Thank you for your answer 🙂

  2. Hi SimulAgri, great video 😉
    But small correction, there is no need for “male”, in reality we do not cross Holsteins with limousines xD
    Only Holsteins or Limousines that’s it 😉
    Animals become fertile over time, I have experience of this, I have a part on the season mod on Ellerbach.
    And I think there is the artificial animal insemination system for animals 😉
    Keep it up and great guide :)
    Ps: I only put Yorkshire (white pigs) in my enclosure and I had piglets, which have grown well now 😉

    1. Yes, when I said no insemination, I implied that you shouldn't put on gloves to tickle the cow 😀
      So for the male, it seems that for the moment it works as you say, but eventually the developers want to be able to add animals (for the moment it's the game that is blocking) and therefore have Holstein bulls. That would be great.