Already more than 2 years that we travel the muddy paths of SnowRunner. First released on the Epic Games Store for PC and on Playstation and Xbox consoles in early 2020, the game was then deployed on Steam and even Nintendo Switch in 2021. Two Season Passes (Year Pass 1 and Year Pass 2) came to expand the content and vary the gameplay a little, enough to keep players on their toes over this long period. Divided into 8 seasons (4 per year), SnowRunner has reached the end of its roadmap. It's time for the developers to talk about what's next. New game ? Or not…
The answer to this question lies in the last information note of the forum of the game. Saber Interactive provides an update on phase 8, in which some agricultural work took place, and on the 19.1 patch that followed, fixing a saving problem that had many panicking (the bug tipped the saves of the hard mode in normal mode).
The future is licensed
" And after ". The note ends with this message, which has the merit of being clear: SnowRunner is leaving for new seasons! On the program, new maps, new vehicles (including new licensed brands) “and much more”.
In other words, the formula is not going to change. The “much more” surely alluding to new types of missions. Developers seem to have found a way to fund developments: licensed hardware. Like Farming Simulator, and many other simulation games, SnowRunner displays very real machines and brands. The latest, the Rezvani Hercules, an all-terrain car that costs almost 4 euros and is not included in the Season Passes. Financial agreement with the builder? We can not say it, but Saber Interactive have before them a boulevard to exploit.
No date has yet been announced for the launch of this new season. The developers are calling on the community to provide an update on the previous 2 via a survey you can participate in here.