And oldschool is saying a lot, since this mod comes from the distant Farming Simulator 15. It is Hugo Marius of the modding team "La ferme du chambret" who was the author. Today this tipper is being adapted (but not cleaned) for FS 19 by Baptiste Neveu and the JFAgri pix team. So many people, so many people!
The Maupu mod, from a model from the end of the 80s and with a capacity of 10500 to 12500 L depending on the sides, is unfortunately starting to age. If the modeling went well on FS 15, it is not the same on FS 19 where the lack of details and finish in the modeling are felt. With a brand new 6M in front, it does "Match" not. Likewise, there is a concern of collision when animating the unloading. Despite these few black spots, this mod is to be kept under the elbow for the day when, we hope, the “Classic Agriculture” pack will see the light of day on the latest version of the game.