Tag: Pets

Emily Melodis Farming Simulator 19 pack: prepare your rations differently

Simulagri Modding goes back for a ride with the builder Emily. After the…

Bruno Bruno

The Emily Vulcano comes to straw Farming Simulator 19

Are the Bretons invading Farming Simulator? In all the…

Bruno Bruno

Spring cleaning ahead of time with the Tuchel-Sweep for FS 19

The breeding part of Farming Simulator is often neglected, being reduced to…

Bruno Bruno

Converting rapeseed into biodiesel and pig food on FS 19

A mod that starts from a very good idea: diversify a little…

Bruno Bruno

The WildPark, a useful “decoration” for Farming Simulator 19

Let's put garden gnome stories aside. Placeable objects…

Bruno Bruno

Cattle Breeds: beef in Farming Simulator 19

We already had the “Animal Species” mod which heavily modified the properties…

Bruno Bruno

Animal Species brings some genetics to Farming Simulator 19

The breeding part has never been Farming Simulator's strong point. Basic…

Bruno Bruno

Don't want to wait until Farming Simulator 19 to go horseback riding?

“I can’t, I have a pony!” You will soon be able to answer this…

Bruno Bruno