Tag: sell

Video game market in France: Record 2023 results and economic outlook

Like every year, SELL publishes the market report in March…

Bruno Bruno

Video games in France in 2022: an essential hobby for all ages and generations – results of the SELL study

In 2022, video games have become an essential leisure activity in France,…

Bruno Bruno

Review 2020: The video game market in France has not experienced the crisis

Covid or not, the video game market in France has, for…

Bruno Bruno

#AVOUSDEJOUER: a campaign to promote parental controls

As the end-of-year holidays and Christmas shopping approach,…

Bruno Bruno

In France, video games achieved a turnover of 4,8 billion euros in 2019

The Union of Leisure Software Publishers (SELL) presents the new…

Bruno Bruno

Christmas and video games: the SELL recalls the rules for a serene practice

France has 71% of occasional video game players, i.e. more than…

Bruno Bruno

The French and video games: deciphering a playful practice as opposed to clichés

“The French and Video Games”, Médiamétrie’s annual consumer study for…

Bruno Bruno

The cosplay phenomenon will be at Paris Games Week

Contraction of the English words “costume” and “play”, the…

Bruno Bruno

The classification of video game disorder is unwarranted

All players in the video game industry regret that States…

Bruno Bruno

Annual review of the French video game market: Record turnover of 4,9 billion euros in 2018

The Union of Leisure Software Publishers (SELL) unveils in the…

Bruno Bruno

Pegi System: Behind the Scenes of Video Game Classification

A few days before Christmas and while parents are wondering about…

Bruno Bruno

International Disability Day: video games, a leisure activity accessible to all

On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the SELL -…

Bruno Bruno