
More materials in the future Farming Simulator 22 update

Update of February 11: 3 new factsheets showing a 37,5 m Krampe tipper3 Michelin sticker, the Agco Ideal 8 PL thresher, and a Ploeger self-propelled spreading machine and its 22 m tank3. Even if these additions are welcome, we still hope to see the update arrive next week.

The discontent begins to be felt on the side of the players who are waiting impatiently for a patch for FS 22. The last one did not manage to correct all the bugs of youth, whereas the game is going on its 3rd month of existence. But the wait will be rewarded. Giants comes out of its silence today and has just published, not a future patch note, but factsheets for material that will be included in the update. Yes, during February – we are talking about a 2-week wait from that day – your dealer will be expanding with several very fresh tools: a harvester Agco Ideal 7PL accompanied by its cut and able to adapt to the inclination, a 4000L Hardi trailed sprayer over 33m of spreading width, and above all, a slurry tanker Guarantor PQ 32.000 (for 32m3) carried by 4 axles. A real monster.

No information yet on the bugs fixed by this update, nor on the total number of new tools/engines. Don't forget to report any issues you have with Farming Simulator 22 via the Giants Software support page.